Our collaboration with creators
Our creators at a glance
Plancraft stands for modern, simple software, that's clear. But beyond that, Plancraft is not just another software company among many.

Driven by our core values, we primarily want to stand for collaboration, enthusiasm, and down-to-earthiness. Together with our creators, we are guiding the craft sector into the digital world.
Malermeister Andy
Master Painter Andy – Mr. Craft 2020 – has been part of plancraft for several years. We discovered him through his paperless office. High-quality, weekly videos from the daily life of a master painter are his trademark. We were also lucky to appear in some of his videos. We are even more delighted that we can support Andy with plancraft as his software. Andy is a well-known figure in the German painting trade. We are very proud and happy to have Andy as our first partner on board

Denis Fiedler
Also known as Denis in Action, Denis stands out to us for the unique techniques he brings from the painter's toolbox. Denis actually approached us looking for a new, modern, and simple craft software solution. We got to know him and were thoroughly impressed, and now Denis is also on board, equipped with the simple craft software, and we are proud to have him as part of our Creator Family.

Tommy Berk
Tommy Berk inspires on YouTube with practical instructions on craft topics such as drywall and floor installation. With over 100,000 subscribers, on Instagram alone, he provides easy-to-understand tips that inspire both professionals and DIYers. His passion for craftsmanship and his authentic manner make him a valuable member of the plancraft Creator family. Whether on YouTube or Instagram — Tommy brings knowledge and creativity to the world of crafts.

Der Fliesenleger Markus
Markus, known as “The Tiler”, inspires on YouTube and TikTok with practical instructions on tiling. His videos offer valuable tips and tricks for craft enthusiasts and professionals. With over 114,000 followers on TikTok and a growing community on YouTube, he regularly shares insights into his daily work and demonstrates techniques for perfect tile work. His passion for craftsmanship and willingness to share knowledge make Markus a valuable member of the plancraft Creator family. His down-to-earth attitude is a perfect fit for us and we are happy to support him in his self-employment!

Fräulein Handwerk
Hanna Kiessler, known as “Fräulein Handwerk”, is a master painter and varnisher from Düsseldorf. She regularly shares insights into her everyday working life and is committed to the visibility of women in crafts. Her authentic presence and commitment make her an inspiring person in the industry. With her work, she makes a significant contribution to making crafts attractive to young people and reducing prejudices. We have already welcomed Hanna to our Crafttalk format and are delighted that she is part of plancraft!

Dachdeckerin Sina
Sina Klein, known as “Dachdeckerin Sina”, deliberately decided to train in her father's family business after graduating from high school in 2019. Equipped with a journeyman's and master craftsman's certificate, she now inspires on construction sites and shares her experiences on Instagram with over 65,000 followers. Sina repeatedly stresses the importance of the presence of craft businesses on social media in order to reach customers, attract employees and strengthen the community. Through her authentic insights and commitment, Sina inspires many young people, in particular women, to consider a career in the craft sector. We are delighted to be able to accompany Sina on her journey!

Tobis Handcraft
If you visit Tobi's channel, you see: Here, there's crafting, rummaging, and tinkering. Deco projects, furniture building, lighting projects, and much more. Tobi was also searching for a simple craft software, and we quickly got to know each other—it was a perfect fit for both sides. We're excited to see what we'll create with Tobi in the future. We’re proud and happy to have Tobi as part of our Creator Family. Cool that you're on board!

Epoxy Cowboy
Sascha Fahnemann is a trained painter and interior designer from Kiel who specializes in seamless design of floors and surfaces. Under the name “epoxy_cowboy”, he shares his passion on social media and with his company “Art & Raumdesign”, he offers innovative solutions such as metallic PU designs and exclusive wall designs. In addition to his practical work, Sascha shares his knowledge through workshops and training courses, in which he enables craftsmen to learn specialized techniques. His passion for craftsmanship and commitment to quality and innovation make him a valued member of the craft community.

Kreativ Tobi
Modern young craftsmanship—that's painter master Tobias Haubner aka Kreativtobi. We had to get to know someone like him. Tobi represents the new generation in craftsmanship. Being digital is second nature for Tobi. Laptop, tablet, and smartphone are always at hand. The young painter master from southern Germany is now part of the plancraft Creator Family. Not only that, but with plancraft, we’re also able to simplify Tobi's tiresome office work.

Spenglermeister John
John-Marc Hamann, known as “Spenglermeister John”, is a dedicated master plumber from northern Germany. With great attention to detail and passion for his craft, he regularly shares insights into his everyday working life on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. His contributions, which cover both creative projects and practical basics, are very popular and in some cases have received over 248,000 views. Through his authentic presence and active exchange with the community, John-Marc helps to raise awareness of the profession of plumber and to bring the craft closer to a wider audience. His commitment and expertise make him a valuable member of the craft community. It's great that you're at the start!

Der Möbelbock
Yannes Bock, journeyman carpenter from Hamburg, inspires as a “dermöbelbock” with creative upcycling projects and handmade pieces of furniture. On his social media channels, particularly Instagram, he shares his passion for sustainable design and inspires a growing community of over 750 followers. Together with his brother Laurin Bock, he recently founded “BruderHolz”, a brand that offers handmade, high-quality cutting boards and other wood products. Their aim is to combine traditional craftsmanship with modern, timeless design and to present the versatility of woodworking.

Malermeister Marcus Fassott
“The everyday life of a master painter is anything but boring” - if there is anyone who brings it across brilliantly, genuinely and creatively, it is Marcus. The painter from Ludwigshafen has already gone viral with one or the other reel. Whether painting the ceiling with an airless device or a creative spatula technique, the smartphone camera is usually not far away. We also salute Marcus, because doing social media on the side can be stressful. Marcus absolutely wanted to become desk-independent, and Plancraft was the perfect fit for that. Even better: It worked for both sides, now Marcus can write his offers and invoices from the couch. We are proud and excited to welcome Marcus to plancraft as creator! It's cool that you're here!

Franklin from the Sons of Art
And “art” is probably the best. Each wall designed by Franklin and his team is unique. The very special technique is called Wall Art. Woodchip was yesterday, Franklin has unusual designs. They create and design with passion and lots and lots of passion. Every time a new reel goes online with Frank, we are stunned, there seems to be no limits when it comes to creativity here. Franklin also wanted to simplify his office, so we equipped him. What should we say? Plancraft and Franklin, it's a match!

Tarek Legat
Tarek Legat, a dedicated master roofer from Coburg, was named Mister Handwerk at the International Crafts Fair in March 2023. Following his award, Tarek decided to travel to Canada for three months to work in his professional field and gain new experience. After his return, he founded his own company, “Dachwerk Legat”, in 2024 and has been successfully pursuing his own path ever since. His commitment and passion for craftsmanship make him an inspiring role model in the industry.

Dach PRO
Selim Fritz ist Dachdeckermeister und Gründer von Dach PRO, einer Plattform, die sich der Förderung des Dachdeckerhandwerks verschrieben hat. Mit seinem Team produziert er praxisnahe Videos und teilt wertvolle Tipps für Handwerksprofis und Interessierte. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Creator betreibt Selim einen Online-Shop für Dachdeckerbedarf, der innovative Werkzeuge und nachhaltige Arbeitskleidung anbietet. Sein Engagement für das Handwerk und seine authentische Präsenz in den sozialen Medien machen ihn zu einem geschätzten Mitglied der Handwerksgemeinschaft.

We personally take the time you need for you and your business. Just contact us, we look forward to it!