Plancraft & Cosuno -Together we strengthen the craft

Grafik von der Software Cosuno und der Handwerkersoftware plancraft, welches die Partnerschaft symbolisiert

Find tenders on Cosuno

Manage offers and projects in plancraft

Grafik der Cosuno Software und plancraft, welche die Partnerschaft darstellt.

Cosuno as a platform for private-commercial tenders for construction services

Receive inquiries within your areas of operation, find new orders in your area and collaborate with clients in one place. Increase sales for your company and secure new orders in your industry and area of ​​operation.

Grafik der Cosuno Software

Exclusive tenders that cannot be found on any other platform

Free registration and entry in the Cosuno construction directory

Direct access to all relevant tender documents

Simple and direct quotation submission using GAEB & file import

Thanks to Cosuno it's easy to...

Icon eines Steckbriefs, welcher für das Profil bei plancraft stehen soll

... gain more visibility.

Show tendering companies what you can do, receive underqualified inquiries and create online offers according to GAEB (including import of local files).

Icon einer Lupe, welche für verschiedene Funktionen stehen soll

... find the next project.

Every week, companies that advertise for work publish hundreds of tenders on the Cosuno marketplace - including in your industry and region.

Icon von zwei Dokumenten, welche für die Angebote stehen, die man mit plancraft erstellen kann

... manage all offers.

Improved communication with clients during the award process. Submit offers conveniently online and export everything you need for your own documentation.

Find the next project on the Cosuno marketplace

Search the Cosuno marketplace for relevant contract units. View all the project information you need and submit offers easily via Cosuno. This puts you in control of winning new clients and projects.

This is what makes the partnership

Cosuno is the platform for private and commercial tenders for construction services. More than 400 leading general contractors, project developers, architects and corporations tender their construction projects with Cosuno. More than 2,500 new tenders with an order volume of more than 1.4 billion euros are published on Cosuno every month. Together with plancraft, the simple tradesman software, you are perfectly equipped when it comes to order procurement and management.

Icon von Dokument, was für die Auftragsdokumente bei plancraft steht
Together for full order books and more orders.
Icon von einem Handy mit Zahnrad, welches für die Auftragsabwicklung steht
Working together for smooth order processing.
Icon von einer Zielscheibe, welche für die Zielgruppe des Handwerkersoftware plancraft stehen soll
Working together for better project results.

Digital office on all devices

Grafische Darstellung der Nutzung von plancraft auf dem Handy, dem Tablet und dem Computer.

With plancraft, you experience a new way of managing projects. Whether large or small, you always keep track of all your tasks. With project-specific chats and customizable labels for order status, your projects are always organized and clear. And the best part: You and your team can use plancraft both on your PC and on the go with a tablet.

Grafische Darstellung der Nutzung von plancraft auf dem Handy, dem Tablet und dem Computer.
Grafische Darstellung der Projekt- und Mitarbeiterübersicht in der mobilen App.

Your employees equipped on the go

Grafische Darstellung der Mitarbeiterübersicht in der mobilen App.

With plancraft, your team has everything they need, wherever they are. Time tracking, project access, navigation, and retrieval of work instructions – it’s all possible. Photos and comments are recorded directly in the project and are automatically ready for billing in the office. This is how teamwork works today.

Everything you need in one place

Grafische Darstellung der Projektübersicht von plancraft.

Your business needs a place where all the important data comes together. With plancraft, you always have an overview of the current status of your key materials and services. Our craft software is specifically tailored to the needs of craft businesses and provides the ideal foundation for your projects.

Grafische Darstellung der Projektübersicht in plancraft.

Exclusive benefits through cooperation

By combining Cosuno and plancraft, we want to bring about progress in the trades and make everyday office life easier, from tenders and order processing to invoicing!

To celebrate this partnership, Cosuno is offering you a 10% discount on premium access. Simply use the discount code Plancraft10.

Visit Cosuno
Questions about the product, features or pricing plans?

We take the time to personally address your questions and provide advice. We're excited to hear from you!

Foto von drei Sales Mitarbeitern im Kundengespräch.