Easter '21 update
This way to Try it out for yourself
#1 contacts
To date, there are all content sorted chronologically in Plancraft. I.e. The latest elements are always at the top.
However, this fundamentally good - and celebrated by you - structure is confusing when it comes to contacts. No contact management in the world sorts chronologically. We have now made improvements here accordingly.
How exactly does Plancraft sort?
- after surnames ascending (A-Z)
- Then after First names (A-Z) and undertakings (A-Z)

#2 Renamed: Folder becomes projects

We've renamed the folders. Why
- With a possible project number and description, the folders are geared to the tenor “project” anyway
- Since there is no change in functionality, projects or folders can be handled just as flexibly as before
#3 Delete projects

You've asked about it many times and it's admittedly also a very small, supposed standard feature: Projects (previously folders) can now be deleted... when they are empty.
I.e. You must have previously deleted all documents within the project. This also only works if documents have not yet been completed and have received a number. This has been deliberately implemented in order to comply with the requirements of the GOBD*.
Principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access are handled just as flexibly as before
#4 Minor improvements
Of course, there are many things happening in the background and we are working on big topics that will bring you a lot more.
However, there are also minor improvements over and over again:
- Enter Add a new line in Measurement/ Price Calculation (cool!)
- Texts/positions/position group is easier to drag into the document (larger click area for 'drag & drop')

- Less white space in PDF (Some of the final balance sheet was shown on the next page, although there was apparently still enough space)
- Appropriate document view: If a document has already been completed (with number), the PDF preview opens by default when you click on the file in the project. If it is still being drafted, the editor opens.