Re-process completed offers/invoices

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That's how it works
It happens time and again that you get feedback from the customer that something in the offer or the invoice is incorrect and needs to be improved. For example, there is a missing position, certain prices are incorrect or wage costs have not been shown as agreed.
At this point, the respective document is usually already completed and has a unique document number. In Plancraft, you still have the option to edit it again. To do this, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the PDF preview and select “Re-edit PDF.”
In this case, Plancraft converts the finished PDF back into a draft. Now you can edit the document again and “finish” it again at the end. The original PDF is not lost, but can still be easily downloaded from the version history. This is also located at the top right under the three points.

Does the document number change when I edit it again?
Yes. It depends on the type of document. The document number remains unchanged for offers, order confirmations and delivery notes. For invoices, deductions and credit notes, i.e. all accounting-relevant documents, a version number is added. -1 for the first modified version, -2 for the second modified version, etc.

Have fun trying it out! Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to write to us at:
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