Social media in crafts - Overview and tipps

Lukas Bartels
Published on
5 Minuten

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Are you one of the 20% whose businesses are already represented on social networks?


Because social media platforms are an essential part of our society and therefore also for companies. Say so 74% of companies that are already actively using social media that it is effective for them.

Yours too future Customers, particularly from the younger generations, are mainly active on newer platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and co.

If you're not yet firmly entrenched in the social media world - no problem!

It is definitely not too late - much better to get in now is exactly right! And getting started isn't difficult at all and requires less effort if you know what's happening where.

Accounts are created in just a few minutes and then your first posts can follow. Be a part of modern Crafts and the associated community. Place your business visible to Customers, applicants, and your network.

Before you get started, we have a brief overview (and of course a few tips & tricks) of the individual platforms so that you can get off to a good start.

Facebook, Instagram & co. - What do I need?

You should ask yourself: Where do I want to be active and visible myself, where should my company be located and found - and: Which platform is right for me.

Social Media Plattformen im Überblick
Social media platforms at a glance

On Instagram, you should show your company and the associated trade, whereas on LinkedIn it makes more sense for you to appear as a person and network personally.

With the right basic knowledge, you can try out all platforms and start your personal stories about you and your craft to talk about, land assignments, attract applicants and exchange ideas.

Before you dive into the various information about the platforms, we want to share with you one thing that we were able to learn.

Social media is not compulsory, it shouldn't be done out of a MUST. It is much more than one chance to try out something new and interact with others.

For example, we love interacting with a wide variety of craft businesses from all trades, wholesalers and amateur craftsmen on Instagram.

The two-way exchange, the collection of inspirations and the community - That is what social media is all about.

Instagram Feed @lebenswerk_modernisierungen
@creativtobi's profile on Instagram (as of 09.11.2021)

The right platform for you


Tell stories about impressive pictures

21 million German users, that's already one house number! And the craft sector is just about to conquer this social network.

On Instagram, images and videos can be shared with your community. This gives you the opportunity to present your company and your craft - the smartphone camera completely off.

So if you're proud of the work you've done and want to share it, Instagram is a great way to give potential customers a glimpse of your skills.

In addition to the feed (think of it as a chronological photo album), you also have the option of taking your followers with you into your everyday life using the story function.

In this way, you may also be able to attract new employees - who doesn't like working in a company where you get up close insights gets into cool ways of working.

So join the growing Instagram community from the craft sector and score points with an impressive appearance.

Instagram images should be aesthetic (own graphics)


Almost forgotten, but still the biggest

Facebook is still the largest social network, with around 32 million users in Germany.

Here are really all representing age groups. You should have a clean appearance on this platform in particular, as both private and business customers are on the move here.

Your Facebook page should accordingly professional and authentic work. But how?

Your Facebook page here is like your own website, just on Facebook. First, all relevant information such as address, industry, contact options and your operating hours should be available.

Die Facebook Page von SAS Bauwerksabdichtung
The Facebook page of SAS Bauwerksabdichtung

If these basic pillars are in place, you should definitely choose an appealing title and profile picture, then all that's missing is content and your Facebook page is ready to go!

So: Facebook is now simply a must for modern entrepreneurs - especially in the craft sector! Your customers are on Facebook for sure!


This is where politicians, CEOs and the neighborhood communicate

Twitter Feed
Twitter feed

Twitter is a communication platform and has around 1.5 million users in Germany. Here it is possible to share short messages - so-called tweets - of max. 140 characters.

The spice lies in brevity: this is where politicians, celebrities and managing directors spread their opinions, news and everything else - sometimes informative, sometimes provocative and sometimes scandalous.

You can use Twitter to publicly show your business here too. You can get news about your company quickly and uncomplicated share without having to be very creative. Impressions of your everyday life are also welcome content.


The business counterpart to Facebook

LinkedIn has around 14 million active users in Germany. The platform is intended for business exchange. In other words, a business network.

Here, professionals exchange ideas with each other and there are many opportunities to establish or intensify contacts across companies. In addition, you can also follow companies on LinkedIn and see their activity in your feed.

On LinkedIn, it is important that thou acts personally as an entrepreneur/managing director of your company. Because this is where personal exchange counts. You can (should) also place your company here for visibility reasons - but it is by no means decisive. As an entrepreneur, you count in your network here.

With LinkedIn, just like Facebook, you can share posts in the feed and make them available to your contacts. Your contributions can also be passed on to 2nd or 3rd degree contacts (i.e. contact with your contacts) through interactions (likes, comments, sharing). This ensures a decent range!

LinkedIn Feed
LinkedIn feed

There are also already a number of companies, owners and managing directors on LinkedIn. Join them and discuss current topics in the craft sector in a professional environment!


The business platform from Germany

Like LinkedIn, Xing is a business network and has around 18 million members in the DACH regions.

However, there is no classic feed here. But here too, you have the opportunity to connect with business partners to connect and acquaintances and set up your company as an employer.

Overall, Xing has more of a reputation as a large contact book. Since there is no feed — i.e. no posts, pictures, videos and news — there is less exchange here. That is why, in our experience, Xing is less relevant to your company's public image.


Reach the world with short clips

TikTok is still relatively small in Germany with 1.6 million users. However, in is the time that users spend here every day with 45 minutes very high.

But so far, no marketing maker has been able to tap into the platform for themselves to show a golden path. TikTok is still in its infancy here.

But what is TikTok? On TikTok, you have the option to upload short video clips; by swiping up, you scroll infinitely through billions of clips.

TikToks berühmt berüchtigte Clips
TikTok's famously notorious clips

Here, the awesomely named “TikTok Algorithm” recognizes what you like and plays you more and more clips that are likely to match your interests.

With TikTok, it doesn't matter whether you have 5 followers or 500,000 followers. If the community likes your video, it can Millions of times be viewed.

As you already know, short videos that should be entertaining require a good dose of creativity, humor and tact. That's why we see TikTok as the icing on the cake of your social media presence.

So you can let off steam, just try it out and who knows? Maybe your craft will go viral and your company will become world-famous!

How to start your social media journey

Before you get started, we have a few short pieces of advice for you, from our experiences with social media.

  • Don't try to play on all channels just because they're there. Start with the important signs: Facebook and/or Instagram
  • But don't do it half-heartedly! Just like in your craft, try to develop a passion
  • See what profiles do that inspire you. Then, just like in your craft, develop yours own style
  • Look for inspiration on Pinterest, for example

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