Plancraft in the Hamburg Journal

Lukas Bartels
Published on
5 Minuten

Table of contents

🎥 Price, press and TV - Plancraft goes viral

Plancraft in Hamburg Journal (NDR)

Plancraft im Hamburger Journal

In the Hamburg Morning section, we were able to present Plancraft in the Hamburg Journal. For example, the NDR visited our office and asked us questions. The result:

A short, concise article about the simplest handyman software.

Click here for the article:,hamj114900.html

The voice of our customers: Schlüter & Plancraft carpentry on

Yvonne and Stephan Schlüter have been using Plancraft for their carpentry since taking over the business. This allows them to master their day-to-day operations completely digitally. Jörg Wiebking from hit on the two of them and interviewed them on site, without our presence, of course.

Plancraft auf reports about Plancraft with Zimmerei Schlüter

Such praise from Yvonne goes down all the more like oil:

I'm the learning-by-doing type and I've been digging into it little by little, but it's really easy to use. You just start, the program always tells you what you need to do, so you can always go on alone.

A really good experience report from practice, about day-to-day operations with Plancraft.

Click here for the article:

The simplest craftsman software wins business prize

Plancraft und Friedrich Merz

10.000€ + press + network - EVERY company can use that.

We too can really use it and are overjoyed: Victory at the Gunnar Uldall Business Prize 2021 🥳. Patron Friedrich Merz presented us with the 1st prize.

A prize for us and for YOU won - this clearly shows that juries from business and politics also want to fulfill, reward and thus promote our mission.

So don't rest and keep going!

📱 Plancraft - for use on construction sites

Plancraft has also been available for your smartphone since summer. A lot has happened since the mobile app was released. So let's get started.

Einsatz auf der Baustelle mit Plancraft
The Plancraft smartphone app - the simplest craftsman software now also mobile.

NEW: “Mobile (smartphone)” team members

The new user role is for team members who only access to the smartphone app should have. Only assigned projects are displayed there - and everything, without price information. These can be foremen, fitters, journeymen or trainees, for example.

Equip your team now with the smartphone app - digitization starting at 9€ a month!

work instructions

Print the offer as a blank and give it to your team? Yesterday's snow!

The work instructions automatically show your team everything Services of the offer/ order confirmation in the selected project. This means that everyone always knows what needs to be done and what not.

Arbeitsanweisung Feature
Work instructions (offer without prices/ blank) in digital form

💻 New features of the office application

Since the last newsletter, a lot has happened in our desktop app. We simply work our way from the biggest to the smallest innovations.

Collaboration and teamwork, but please with Plancraft!

Working alone is less fun - so many new features came under the motto: “Never without my team.”

Whether working together on projects in the office or communicating with your team on the construction site — everything is possible thanks to Plancraft.

Assigning projects

Finally assign team members to projects in Plancraft. This allows you to always keep an eye on who is currently working on which project.

When creating a project, you can select the team at the bottom. All members of your account in Plancraft are displayed there. And if you like having a picture in front of your eyes, you can also change the profile pictures of your team members.

Chat in the editor

Since the beginning of September, the chat has been available in the editor. This is especially cool because you can simply open the chat history when writing an offer/invoice. One of your companions had extra work, no problem at all. Since he had already communicated this in the project chat, you can now simply drag and drop it from the chat into the editor.

💰 When it comes to money: the big financial update

In August, we worked diligently on new features again. In addition to an extension of the measurement feature, your beloved, profitable Invoice list Got the biggest update so far.

automation? Always bring it in!

In the past, you changed the status of the invoices yourself. You clicked on the status and from overtly upon payed asked. From now on, that's yesterday's snow. ❄️

Plancraft now completely automates this status. The only thing you have to do is enter your payments you have received, as well as any cash discount and security deposit, on the new detail page in the payment area. Plancraft will then automatically show you whether the invoice is still overtly, already complete payed or overdue is. The small lock also shows you whether your customer has withheld a security deposit. 💁🏽 ‍ ♂️

Keep an eye on your finances

Also new: A column with outstanding receivables as well as an overview of paid and outstanding receivables within the filtered period.

The former helps you quickly identify which customer you should send a payment reminder or the next reminder. The latter gives you, among other things, an overview of your total income over a specific period of time. 💰

🇦🇹 Plancraft available for crafts in Austria

Our web and mobile app is now finally available for craft businesses in Austria. We would like to thank our neighbors for consistently asking them to be able to use the simplest craftsman software there as well.

When specifying the company headquarters, simply select Austria and the rest will happen by itself. Read more about this in our blog post here 🎉🥳

🤩 It looks good! Plancraft's new look!

Our app has been on the market for almost 1.5 years now. A lot has happened during this time. Not only has Plancraft evolved as an app, but so have we as a company and team. Together, we have decided to visually communicate our development as well.

It was important for us to incorporate the past period, even before the product release and founding, into the new brand image. That's why we picked up some elements of the old logo and put them in a new guise.

Neues Plancraft Logo
The new logo

🚀 Over 1,000 fans!

As a brand, we are also constantly evolving - so we are proud to have broken the 1,000 follower mark on Instagram.

It's not just about reach — we have a strong community here that is interested in topics related to Plancraft and interacts with us. It's better than 10,000 watching silently.

Through the social channels Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, we primarily want to entertain you, but also inform you. Here you can find memes, VLogs, and news. Everything related to crafts, software and digitization, of course.

Because Plancraft is also the team behind it, which gets up every day to make life easier for you, we don't do that in any way, but with heart and passion!

So feel free to drop by and see us!

Click here for Plancraft on Insta:

🎳 That special something? The team!

Something has happened again here as well. That's how the good David ended his internship with us. David was a real asset. On the other hand, we are delighted to welcome Artur to the team.

Artur is a true Northern Light and started his internship (Marketing & Sales) in September. The exciting thing about the whole story is that Artur also comes from the craft sector thanks to his father's plastering business.

It's great that you're at the start Artur!

There are currently 13 women and men working in the best team from all over Hamburg.

As you can see, a lot has happened and we've certainly forgotten something. Feel free to check out Plancraft on all our channels or treat yourself to the product updates from the last few months.

Take care - your Plancraft team!

Create an account now and start testing!

The trial is completely free and without obligation. Alternatively, you can book a demo session and have a Plancraft team member guide you through the software.

Drei Sales Mitarbeiter im digitalen Kundengespräch.