Craftsman software for Apple Mac OS?

Lukas Bartels
Published on
5 Minuten

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More and more Apple devices in the trade - but hardly any compatible solutions?

We are getting to know more and more craftspeople who use Apple devices for their trade. Whether on the go with just one device or fully packed with an iPhone, Mac, iPad and watch - there is something for everything.

But why are more and more craftsmen using Apple devices?

The reasons are probably varied and individual for everyone. Above all, Apple always impresses with good connectivity between its own brand devices and supposedly easy usability.

At Painter We have asked our trust, Alexander Woldt. Alexander Woldt is junior managing director at painting company Willy Rix and is a strong Apple Mac OS and iOS user.

Us: “Alexander, why are you an Apple user?”

The Apple Ecosystem

All Apple devices are from outside minimalist, timeless and high quality. And inside, the operating systems iOS work on the iPhone, iPadOS on the iPad and macOS on iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook & MacPro. OS here stands for Operating System, English for operating system.

So these are the systems, but what really sets Apple devices apart from the competition is, in our opinion, the so-called “Apple ecosystem.”

But what is the Apple ecosystem? - The Apple ecosystem is an umbrella term for many different devices that are almost perfectly connected to each other and act as a unit. This is done through clever interfaces in the operating system.

Your benefits?

Let's do a short Mind game:

Imagine you're coming from a construction site and want to transfer your pictures to your computer.

Bluetooth never works reliably anyway and the cable is still in the van. Great... out again and get the cable...

Not in the Apple Eco System! A cable has not been used for transmission here for a long time, the magic word here is air-drop. Use Air-Drop to send pictures, documents, and videos from device to device.

Picture with an iPhone 11 Pro Max, Apple Pencil and iPad Pro for
Photo by Miguel Tomás / Unsplash

Contractor from the Willy Rix painting company, Alexander Woldt, describes it as follows:

“Because everything is connected, I usually have everything I need right at hand. Whether it's offers, the measurement suitable for cost calculation, invoices or pictures for my ongoing projects.” - Alexander Woldt, Willy Rix Malerbetrieb

MacOS compatible software - where is it?

Contrary to this, one hears more and more often that classic craftsman software does not work with Apple devices. There are therefore more and more Apple users among craftsmen, but hardly any opportunities to install good software for painters (such as Alexander Woldt), for example.

So doing basic work steps, such as creating offers and invoices, is a nightmare because he is tied to a possibly ancient Windows computer for work in the office even though he has an Apple device. Since Word/Excel is now also commonly available for macOS, many ends up here - a horror. Especially as an Apple user, you are a simple and intuitive operation accustomed.

But why is there barely/few modern craftsmen software for the Mac? Software providers would actually have to make their applications fit for the Mac in order to meet demand here too, right?

The most likely answer? “It has grown this way historically.” Should mean:

Traditionally, software was installed locally - to date, around 90% of the craft-specific solutions out there, so-called on-premise software. These solutions were initially developed for Windows. Releasing a variant for Apple's macOS would mean starting at virtually zero. Too much effort for potential new customers. Perhaps this also lacks the expertise of major software manufacturers and the ability to attract suitable developers.

Back to the future: the cloud

Cloud solutions make it possible to cleverly avoid this basic problem. The easiest way to explain it is with a practical example:

Craftsman software for macOS in the browser

For example, with Plancraft, we have developed software that works perfectly on Mac and Windows devices. Develop Plancraft just for one operating system? No thanks. From day one, it was important to us that our billing program should be accessible to everyone and, above all, quickly.

Nothing is more frustrating than spending money on new devices but then not being able to use your software properly anymore.

But how does that work? Plancraft is a cloud solution. As a result, the software works in the web browser (web app) and as a result: independent of the operating system. Whether it's Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera,...

Open Plancraft via a web browser on Windows and macOS

No installation - no more problem with operating systems

That's why you don't necessarily have to install Plancraft. All you need is a web browser. Since at least one is pre-installed on your device right from the start, Plancraft is also available to you from day 1. That doesn't mean a complicated and annoying installation for you. You have all the benefits of web applications right away.

So you'll never have the feeling: “Shit I have the wrong device with me” again, because every device is the right one.

Your advantage: whether it's an iPad, MacBook or iMac, Plancraft is available to you from anywhere. And so your documents are always available, regardless of which device. And if someone in your office still prefers to work with Windows, that's no problem either.

Plancraft on the tablet on site at the construction site

Speaking of iPad. The iPad is becoming increasingly popular (as we can see from demand). We see more and more craftsmen who would rather be out and about with an iPad and Apple Pencil than always carry their MacBook (or a smartphone that is too small) with them. And Alexander also doesn't want to miss the iPad anymore.

“The iPad in particular is now making my everyday work easier thanks to quick notes and digital readiness to work.” - Alexander Woldt


We were able to talk to Alexander Woldt (painter) and many other Apple users from the craft sector - and they all love the ease of use on and even between devices. Quick and easy operation can therefore be transferred to the appropriate craftsman software, such as Plancraft. This makes working with cloud software really fun.

In principle, your hardware suit you - you not only have to be able to use your handyman software, but also all other functions. If you're happy and well positioned with Windows, that's wonderful. If you want to connect more, Apple might be a good option for you.

You should be able to answer the following questions for yourself in the context of a suitable operating system and a possible software change:

  • Which software do I need in everyday business
  • Which of these solutions are compatible with macOS, iOS and Windows?
  • Is there suitable software as a cloud version?
  • How connected do I want to work (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone)?

We are happy to help with the transition to a new system, so don't hesitate to ask. You can reach our team at

On this blog, we want to write about topics that interest you and really help you. Tell us what's bothering you:

Create an account now and start testing!

The trial is completely free and without obligation. Alternatively, you can book a demo session and have a Plancraft team member guide you through the software.

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